Unreached People Groups Map
We believe in sharing the gospel with everyone, not just the people in foreign countries. However, if you look at the map below you will see that most of the 1st world countries have a higher percentage of Christians. Most of them are over 70% Christians. India has over 1 billion people and only 2.5% of them are Christians. With this in mind, we try to work in the areas with the least amount of Christians, so we can make the greatest impact. Our unreached people's ministry focuses on mapping out existing churches so we can plant more in unreached people group areas. We are currently operating in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka.
Map provided by PBS
Unreached People Groups Map
Our vision is to have a house church in every village in South Asia and neighboring countries, which is where most of the unreached people groups are located. We want to plant 100,000 churches there within the next 5 years. With enough partners, we can make this happen!
We are a House Church Multiplication Ministry so each of the dots on this map is at least one house church. We have planted over 2500 of them at the time this was written.
We use traditional and modern techniques for church planting and disciple-making.
Our methods include:
TV in India & Pakistan
Video Teleconferencing
Door to door
Open-air campaign (small and large)
Friends and family
People in need

Our Impact as of 2021
Note: For security reasons, these dots are not in the exact location.

We have been asked this many times... People say, there are plenty of unsaved and hurting people right here in America. Why don't you focus on your own country? I usually tell them that we do here in the U.S, but we focus on mostly unreached areas with the least amount of Christians.
One of the ways we reach out to people in the U.S. is our how to kill yourself painlessly page. We focus on special keywords that people search for when they are suicidal. Then we use a squeeze page that slowly preaches the gospel to them. We are working on getting this page translated so it can be seen in countries all over the world. Jesus told us to "...go and make disciples of all nations..." (Matthew 28:19). We don't want to just work in our local areas, we want to go everywhere.
Looking at the unreached people groups map above you can see that many of these areas are mainly Hindu, Muslim, or Buddhist. This tells me that they need more workers over there. Why focus all our efforts on a place that has plenty of money, resources, and workers when 78% of the population already calls themselves a Christian.
I believe that those in developed countries have been given a lot and should do a lot. We should help in our own country and in others as much as we can. Luke 12:48 says"...For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him, they will ask the more." (NKJV)
If you have been given a lot, much will be required of you. Since we have been given a lot, we give back as much as we can. Especially in areas where they are lacking. Spiritually and financially. We primarily focus in the areas with the most unreached people groups.